It will all be as one:
Mr. Fulton's comments reflect his opinion but are no more relevant than any other witness, several of whom told us that they need marketing choice in order to maximize their returns. Many of them have expressed a belief that there is a place for a viable voluntary CWB. In fact, the direction of the whole task force report is to give suggestions on how we can move toward a system under which a voluntary Wheat Board would operate.
While some growers have expressed concern over whether the CWB can survive as a voluntary barley marketing agency, they need not. The CWB has successfully done this before. In the summer of 1993 farmers were free to market their barley directly to the U.S. or through the CWB. The CWB made a number of changes and successfully participated in the market.
The final amendment would be to change the recommendations, particularly the first recommendation:
That the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food be commended for his balanced choice of plebiscite questions.