Thank you very much.
Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Steve Verheul. I'm Canada's chief trade negotiator for agriculture. I'd like to thank the committee for asking me to appear here today to talk about the status of the WTO negotiations.
I'm going to begin my remarks by reviewing some of the recent developments at the WTO and what they mean for Canada in particular.
As you all know, the WTO negotiations are the key forum through which Canada is working to expand opportunities and achieve a fairer international trading environment for Canadian agriculture.
At the WTO, we have been working to achieve the elimination of all forms of export subsidies, the substantial reduction of trade-distorting domestic support, and real and significant improvements to market access. We've also been strongly defending the interests of our supply-managed producers.
The negotiations have been ongoing since November 2001. Although various deadlines have been set, not very many of them have been met. The most significant developments in the negotiations were a framework for agriculture, which was agreed to in July 2004, and in December 2005, at the Hong Kong ministerial meeting, we agreed, among other things, to the elimination of export subsidies by the end of 2013.
As the negotiations have progressed, they have become increasingly difficult. In July of last year, the director general of the WTO, Pascal Lamy, announced that the negotiations had reached an impasse on the issue of market access for agricultural and non-agricultural products and on agricultural domestic support. As a result, the negotiations were suspended at that time.
In November, following a period of increased informal discussion among WTO members on the key stumbling blocks in the negotiations, the WTO director general obtained support from the WTO membership for technical discussions on the various issues at play to resume across all areas of the negotiations, including agriculture.
Earlier this year, on January 27, Minister Strahl and Minister Emerson joined ministers from about 30 other WTO members in Davos, Switzerland, for an informal ministerial meeting on the WTO negotiations. Ministers at Davos clearly expressed renewed commitment to put the negotiations back on track.
This was later followed by an announcement from the director general at a meeting of the trade negotiations committee on February 7 that the negotiations were to be fully re-engaged.
While negotiating activity has increased since that time, the discussions are still largely informal. There has been particular attention focused on the U.S. and on Europe, who have been engaged in detailed technical discussions over the last several weeks to try to narrow the differences between them.
It is clear to Canada and to others that key WTO members, particularly the U.S., Europe, and some of the more advanced developing countries, will need to significantly narrow differences in their negotiating positions and show movement on the issues for real and substantial progress to be possible. It will be important to achieve such progress within the next few months or we're going to face a much longer delay in the negotiations.
Progress is needed on three key issues if the negotiations are to move forward: the U.S. needs to go further on both cuts and disciplines to trade-distorting domestic support; the European Union needs to show more flexibility on market access; and developing countries need to show more openness both on market access for agricultural products and for non-agricultural products.
For our part, Canada is continuing to work intensively in Geneva and elsewhere with a range of other WTO members to exchange ideas and advance technical work with a view to resolving the outstanding issues. We continue to be among the most active countries involved in the negotiations.
Looking forward, the success of the Doha Round will clearly remain a key priority for Canada. The WTO remains the cornerstone of our international trade strategy for Canadian agriculture. Our efforts at the WTO agriculture negotiations and through other trade initiatives will remain geared toward ensuring that we have an effective overall international trade policy strategy for Canadian agriculture, including both supply-managed products and export-oriented interests. Continued, active engagement with the provinces and the full range of our agriculture industry stakeholders will remain central to our efforts.
l also understand you may have some questions regarding milk protein concentrates. In the second hour of my appearance l will be joined by officials from the Department of Finance, the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada Border Services Agency, and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, and we will be happy to deal with your questions on those issues at that time.
So with those opening remarks, I would be pleased to take your questions on the negotiations.