Thank you again, Mr. Chairman. Thanks for the opportunity to appear before you to discuss the initiatives recently announced by the government with respect to milk protein concentrates.
Just to very briefly recap, on February 3, Minister Strahl announced that the government will be initiating negotiations under article XXVIII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade to restrict imports of milk protein concentrates in response to dairy industry concerns about the increasing use of these concentrates in making cheese and other dairy products.
On a separate issue, he has asked the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to launch a regulatory process related to compositional standards for cheese and he has urged the producers and processors to continue the dairy industry working group.
As mentioned before, in addition to the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food, there are a number of other federal departments and agencies involved in these issues. I'll just briefly introduce them. I am joined by Gilles Le Blanc, senior chief, international trade policy division, Department of Finance; Darwin Satherstrom, director general, trade programs directorate, Canada Border Services Agency; Gerry Salembier, director general, multilateral trade policy, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade; and Debra Bryanton, who is the executive director of food safety with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
In general, the Department of Finance is responsible for Canada's customs tariff. That's the law that sets out the tariff rates for imported goods. In addition, the department is responsible for other import policy legislation, including the Special Import Measures Act, which sets out the rules for addressing dumped and subsidized imports.
Mr. Le Blanc will be our lead negotiator for the GATT article XXVIII negotiations.
The role of the Canada Border Services Agency is to ensure the proper classification of imported goods, and we follow a process adhering to classification principles that are internationally mandated under what is known as the harmonized system for goods classification as well as national subdivisions within that system.
The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade is responsible for the broader international trade elements of the issue, and specifically with respect to article XXVIII of the GATT, that is, DFAIT deals with the intersection of this agriculture-specific issue with Canada's international trade obligations and our engagement with WTO members as a whole. While Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is responsible for agricultural trade policy, DFAIT is the lead agency on Canada's overall trade policy and as such deals with the implications of the MPC issue and any government action on it from the perspective of Canada's overall trade relations.
In short, the four departments, Finance, DFAIT, CBSA, and AFC, are working together on the article XXVIII negotiations.
You have been provided with a backgrounder setting out how GATT article XXVIII negotiations proceed. Although I understand that your main interest today is to discuss the import of milk protein concentrates, our colleague from the CFIA will be in a position to answer questions you may have on the development of compositional standards, the other part of the announcement the minister made at the dairy farmers' meeting.
CFIA is mandated to safeguard Canada's food supply and the plants and animals upon which safe and high-quality food depend. To deliver its broad regulatory mandate, the CFIA verifies compliance with 13 federal acts and their respective regulations that promote food safety, consumer protection, and animal and plant health. A backgrounder outlining the federal legislation related to food safety and quality for dairy products has also been provided to you.
So given the number of organizations being represented at this table, it has also been agreed that for the purposes of this meeting, I would lead for the government representatives and ask the most appropriate person to reply to each question. I hope this will allow us to expedite the process of responding to your questions.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.