We certainly bring a fairly difficult negotiating position to the WTO. That has always been the case. We have very different interests in our agriculture sector in Canada, and the export-oriented part of our sector is clearly interested in more access, getting rid of subsidies to the extent we can, whereas supply management is clearly interested in maintaining border protection to the extent that's possible. We've got a difficult challenge ahead of us with respect to that.
On the Wheat Board, our position hasn't changed in the negotiations. We continue to say this is not an issue that should be decided by the WTO. It should be decided by Canadians themselves rather than have the WTO impose some kind of solution.
On the issue of market access with respect to supply-managed products, we've taken a very clear and very firm line that we're not prepared to accept tariff reductions or tariff quota expansion on supply-managed products. That has clearly positioned us in a somewhat different place than other countries. All other countries have agreed to open up market access on all products. So we have an uphill fight there as well.