I think that's really going to depend on where we manage to come out. I think what's under discussion right now are some fairly important moves forward. Certainly the elimination of export subsidies is something that Canada has sought for a long, long time. If we can get some real, effective cuts in domestic subsidies, particularly those being provided by our neighbour to the south, then that will make a difference to us, and it will allow our producers to compete on a fair basis. Certainly, many of our commodities would like the opportunity to have better access to foreign markets, and if we could get some of that access improved, then we do stand to make significant gains.
The challenge is going to be that when that access opens up, it's going to be available to all countries, so we're going to have to compete for that access, and that's going to determine how much of an advantage it will really be to us. It's going to be up to the industry to take advantage of the changes that can be made.