Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Chairman, and the honourable members of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food.
It's a real honour to be here this afternoon to speak with you today. My name is Janet Smith, and I'm the program manager of the Manitoba Farm and Rural Stress Line.
I'm here to tell you a little bit about the organization I represent, the issues we deal with every day on the front line, and to offer some recommendations to the committee to consider regarding the provision of farmer-friendly support services to producers and their families. I'm particularly pleased that this committee, in your deliberations about the future of Canadian agriculture, has shown an interest in the human dimension of agriculture, because that's what I'm here to talk about.
Agriculture is both an industry and a way of life. It's made up of people--men, women, and children--who produce our food despite the increasing cost of production and shrinking profits, inclement weather, pests, market fluctuations, confusing government policies, and disasters, such as BSE and the avian flu, that threaten whole industries. They do so under some of the harshest and most dangerous working conditions.
Stress among producers is at an all-time high, and yet they continue to farm. So why do they do it? Why continue to operate at a loss, hoping for a good yield, an upturn in the market, an end to BSE, and better weather? In a word, it's because, as Annette spoke to, farming is in their blood. It is the love of the land and the ability to be one's own boss, to fight adversity, and to produce food for the world. It is the culture of farming--the people, their shared beliefs, values, customs, history, and their way of life--that are at the heart of this industry.
While in no way a homogeneous and unified group, there are certain characteristics that are common among most farmers. Reverend John Nesbitt of Brandon--where I am from--said this about the farmers in his congregation:
Farmers (men and women) and their families are a proud and self-reliant people. They understand the wonder and bounty of the land, and they know its harshness. They know blizzards. They know being storm-stayed for days. They know drought and too much rain. They know flooding. They know frosts that take a beautiful crop away overnight. They know poor and devastating years, and they don't expect that it is someone else's job to bail them out. In spite of crop insurance and other government programs, they expect to be self-reliant, and surviving is their moral duty.
It is this proud, self-reliant, independent, and resilient nature that has helped farmers survive over the years. However, it is this same sense of pride and independence that makes it extremely difficult for farmers to reach out for help when they need it.
A recent study by the Canadian Agriculture Safety Association revealed that almost two-thirds of Canadian farmers describe themselves as being very stressed, while almost half describe themselves as being somewhat stressed. However, only two in ten had spoken with health care or mental health professionals about the impact of stress on their lives.
The notions of pride and farmers' independence were cited in the CASA study as the most important reasons why producers do not seek help when dealing with stress and mental health. Our experiences with callers would suggest other barriers as well, including heavy workloads that make it difficult to get off the farm, lack of access to mental health services in their area, and a lack of anonymity, whether perceived or real.
When farmers do seek help, however, the CASA study revealed that it is of the utmost importance to producers that the person they are dealing with is knowledgeable about farming. In the words of one of our callers, “If you haven't walked a mile with manure on your boots, you won't understand where I'm coming from.”
The Manitoba Farm and Rural Stress Line counsellors understand the nature of farmers because they are farmers. They know how to listen to their stories, ask relevant questions, and assist callers to work through the myriad of complex issues they present. And complex they are. Most farm calls start with a financial concern and often involve legal, personal, family, and marital issues. It is not uncommon for people to be at the brink of financial and personal disaster before they call us. By that time, creditors may be calling day and night, their marriages may be falling apart, they've isolated themselves from family and friends in their communities, and they don't know where to turn.
It is not surprising that some producers under such extreme stress contemplate suicide. Research in the U.S. reveals that male farmers are two times more likely to commit suicide than other males in the general population.
A recent Quebec study, which Claude Barnabé was involved with, demonstrated that 5.7% of producers in that province have thought seriously about suicide, compared with 3.9% of the general population. Pork producers have an even higher suicide ideation rate at 7.7%.
The Manitoba Farm and Rural Stress Line is part of a growing number of farm stress organizations across Canada, the U.S., and beyond.
Earlier this month, representatives from across Canada, including Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Saskatchewan farm stress lines, and Quebec's Au coeur des familles agricoles, met in Drummondville, Quebec, to learn about models of service delivery and best practices, and to form a new Canadian farm stress network.
At this meeting, the Manitoba Farm and Rural Stress Line highlighted its history, mandate, and some of its accomplishments over the past six years. I'd like to share some of these highlights with you today, if time permits.
The Manitoba Farm and Rural Stress Line began operations in January 2001, with funding from the province of Manitoba's Department of Health, mental health and addictions branch. Now in its sixth year of operation, the MFRSL is a well-established program administered by a Klinic Community Health Centre.
We have an office in Brandon, Manitoba, known as the Wheat City for its strong agricultural roots; we have an advisory committee that's comprised of various agricultural health and community organizations; and we have a dedicated team of professional counsellors with farming backgrounds.
Our mandate is to provide free confidential information, support, counselling, and referrals to farm families and rural Manitobans. Our primary service is a toll-free telephone help line. We also offer an e-mail help line, an active website with a rural youth section, and an extensive database of services available to rural Manitobans. In addition, we offer workshops and presentations on a variety of topics related to farm stress. We have an informational display that travels to health fairs and agricultural trade shows across the province.
Our calls have increased steadily since our inception, from 481 calls in our first year to over 2,000 calls in 2006. We have slightly more women than men calling our line, and Annette has referred to some of the reasons for this. However, many of the women are calling about issues pertaining to their spouses and the impact that farm stress is having on the family dynamic.
Most calls begin with a concern about farm finances: high debt loads, low market prices, inability to pay bills, the stress of working off-farm in order to make ends meet, high interest rates, and the ongoing impact of the BSE crisis. These are but a few of the major issues affecting producers today.
Financial stress carries over to other areas of callers' lives as well. It impacts their health, emotions, behaviour, and cognitive abilities. It's had an impact on producers' relationships with others, including spouses, children, and members of their extended families—and often these family members are part of the farming operation. When stress affects one person, it affects the whole family unit and the business as a whole. The ripple effect of farm stress is extensive and can impact whole communities.
So how do we at the Farm and Rural Stress Line respond to farmers under stress? Most importantly, we listen. Because farmers are reluctant to pick up the phone and get support, each farm call merits our fullest support. It's not uncommon for our counsellors to spend over an hour on a call with a farmer, because of the difficulty drawing that person out and the many complex issues they present with.
I'm going to skip over a bit of this and get to the recommendations. I know that time is of the essence here.
A strong agricultural industry depends on the strength and resiliency of the farming community. Building a strong agricultural policy framework must include the human dimension, if it is to remain viable and rooted in the culture of farming. Simply stated, healthy farmers contribute to a healthy rural economy.
To support that end, the Manitoba Farm and Rural Stress Line recommends that the House of Commons Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food recognize the need for dedicated farm stress support programs that respond to the unique culture and needs of agricultural producers; provide financial support to establish and maintain farm stress support programs, including farm stress lines in every province; and support sensitivity training for doctors, social service providers, and other health care professionals, so that professionals working with the farm population are more aware of the issues affecting farmers and are better skilled at offering culturally appropriate services to this population.
I will end with a quote:
This is a critical point for Canadian society because farm/rural communities have been incubators for nurturing citizenship and a sense of responsibility to the wider society. They've taught Canadians how to live in community, how to contribute to the common and public good.... We need citizens who have learned the values of building community together and this experience is harder to come by in larger urban centres where the formation of human-scale communities is much harder, the larger systems are heavily bureaucratized, and individual responsibility for the well-being of community life is diffused. I call the farm/rural community experience “social capital” which has accrued to Canadian society through the years. But the source is drying up, and will dry up, if we as a nation do not adopt a policy of maintaining healthy rural communities. Canada will be the worse for it.
Thank you very much.