Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
It's a great honour and a privilege to be with this group of parliamentarians today.
As was mentioned, Minister Strahl and I are joined by our chief trade negotiator, John Gero, and Steve Verheul, the chief agricultural negotiator.
I'll make some brief remarks and then take some questions, once my colleague Chuck Strahl has made some brief remarks.
Let me just begin by saying that Canada as a trading nation and its economic success, which means our jobs, our prosperity, our social programs, and our whole quality of life, have historically depended, depend now, and will depend for the foreseeable future very much on our ability to sell goods, products, and services throughout the world. This is true of agriculture, true of manufacturing, true of natural resources, and true of services.
We also know, and many of you know, that Canada's farmers can compete with the best in the world, but they need access to markets. That's really why Canada supports the open markets, the liberalized trade, and the level playing field for farmers that the World Trade Organization framework provides. It's a stable, predictable, rules-based system that is fair to all trading nations, whether they're large, small, developed, or developing.
Our exporters depend, in other words, on the World Trade Organization as the cornerstone for our international trading strategy. And that's also why Canada has been such a strong proponent of an ambitious conclusion to the Doha Round of trade negotiations.
Fundamentally, we must achieve increased access to world markets for our goods and services. We must achieve improved trade rules on anti-dumping, countervail, and subsidies, and we have to achieve a reduction of red tape at national borders. Fundamentally, we're fighting for a level playing field for all countries to compete fairly.
As you know, development is the centrepiece of the Doha Round, and again, an ambitious, balanced outcome is absolutely essential for reducing poverty and integrating developing nations into the world trading system.
Canadian farmers also have a lot to gain from a successful Doha Round, which is why we've lent our full support to the objectives of the agriculture negotiations; namely, the elimination of all forms of export subsidies, a substantial reduction in trade-distorting domestic support, and real and significant improvements to market access.
At the end of January, Minister Strahl and I attended an informal WTO ministerial in Davos with ministers from about 30 countries. We emerged from that meeting with a clear consensus to try to get the negotiations back on track, and as a result, WTO Director General Pascal Lamy immediately relaunched full-scale negotiations in all of the negotiating groups.
Since the restart, the pace of informal negotiations has picked up in Geneva. In parallel, key players, including the U.S., the EU, Brazil, and India have been engaging in bilateral discussions to try to narrow their differences.
But time is running out. Substantive results must come soon in order for the U.S. administration to push Congress for a renewal of trade promotion authority. Without an approval or an extension of trade promotion authority, a Doha deal is very unlikely for years to come.
It should also be clear to all of us that Canada has a big stake in an aggressive international trade agenda. In that context, I'd like to make a few comments about the government's commitment to supply management.
In comments last December, which I suspect are the reason you've asked me here today, I talked about the real opportunities for Canada internationally, but also about some of the pressures we face in the international marketplace.
Across our international trade agenda, Canada has both offensive and defensive positions. Like all countries, we seek to both advance and protect important economic interests. This means we are seeking a fair, more rules-based international trading system, are seeking to expand market access, and are pursuing a strong defensive position in some areas, including that of supply management.
My remarks in December were candid, but they were fundamentally intended to convey that negotiations by their very nature are about give and take. As Canada seeks to achieve enhanced economic benefits either through the WTO or through regional and bilateral agreements, we will face pressures to make concessions ourselves. That is just common sense; I think we all know that.
Nevertheless, this government is resolutely committed to Canada's supply management system. That has been and it remains this government's position. As Minister Strahl has noted many times, we've gone to the wall on this issue.
We're also moving on other fronts. In January we requested WTO consultations on U.S. agricultural subsidies provided to American corn growers, as well as on the total level of trade-distorting agricultural support in the U.S. and certain export credit programs. We believe these subsidies create unfair market advantages. We want to see the U.S. live up to their WTO obligations, especially as they rewrite the Farm Bill this year.
Earlier this month we announced that the government will be initiating negotiations under GATT article 28 to restrict imports of milk protein concentrates from our trading partners. This was in direct response to the wishes of Canada's dairy producers.
We're also working to ensure Canada's future economic prosperity through regional and bilateral trade initiatives. Here again, we'll act in the best interests of both export-oriented and supply-managed agricultural sectors.
As I said at the outset, our farmers can compete with the world's best. By pursuing an ambitious agenda at the WTO and by moving forward on a robust defence of our agriculture industry, this government is laying the foundation for a strong, sustainable, and competitive farming industry for generations to come. We look forward to working with Canadian farmers and with parliamentarians across party lines to reach this goal.
I'd now like to turn the floor over to my colleague, Minister Strahl, so that he can make a few remarks.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.