Good afternoon.
I am pleased to be here to represent Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food. I have with me Paul Johnson, who is the manager of our policy branch.
With Canada's second-largest cattle herd, about 21.7% of the national total, the subject we are discussing today is of great importance to our producers and all stakeholders in our beef value chain. I want to provide an update to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food on the state of readiness for SRM segregation and feed-ban regulations in Saskatchewan. I will also speak to some of the challenges we have with the regulation and the implementation process. I am pleased that we have the opportunity to inform members of this committee about what is happening in Saskatchewan.
As you may be aware, provincial funding was approved to cost-share this program on Monday, February 26, 2007, which was two days ago. Now that the provincial funding has been approved and published, we will be able to move quickly to finalize program regulations in our province and to finalize the federal-provincial agreement. With provincial and federal funds, my department will now move to administer the Canada-Saskatchewan SRM management program. While the details have yet to be finalized, we are planning to announce full program details in the coming weeks. We are very engaged on this file.
My department, in conjunction with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, held the first public meeting with stakeholders in our province on June 1 and 2, 2005. Since then, we have held numerous public and private consultation sessions with our stakeholders. On many occasions, these sessions were jointly held with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
As our consultations continue, Minister Mark Wartman and I recently toured the Saskatoon processing rendering plant and discussed the modifications to their plant that are necessary to comply with the regulations. We have been in regular contact with XL Beef in Moose Jaw, and I have personally toured their operations to understand the infrastructure changes necessary to comply with the federal regulations and the timing of their construction schedule for the necessary renovations. We're working very closely with our industry to develop solutions and plans to properly handle and dispose of SRM.
I believe that the state of readiness in Saskatchewan is relatively advanced, given the challenges the industry is facing across Canada. There are some gaps, and we recognize that, but we are working diligently with stakeholders to bridge those gaps.
To better understand the state of readiness in Saskatchewan, the committee should know that XL Beef in Moose Jaw is Saskatchewan's largest cattle slaughter facility. They kill about 85% of all the slaughter animals in Saskatchewan. We've had numerous conversations with XL Beef and are reasonably confident that they have a plan for handling and disposing of SRM that will work. We have concerns that their slaughter plant in Moose Jaw won't be fully renovated in time to meet the July 12 implementation deadline, but we are working on contingency plans with them to ensure that proper segregation and disposal is maintained prior to them fully being completed.
Our other federally inspected slaughter facility, Natural Valley Farms, has developed and implemented an on-site waste management system that includes SRM. They're confident their facility will be fully compliant by July 12. Because of the size of the federal plants in Saskatchewan, plans will be in place that will allow the vast majority, greater than 95%, of our industry to be in compliance by July 12. We do have some issues to overcome in the short term, but our planning and industry preparedness is well advanced with our federal processors.
The situation is a little different when we talk about the non-federally inspected beef processors. In total, we have approximately 90 facilities in the province that slaughter and process beef. Two of these are federally inspected, 12 are inspected by CFIA under agreement with the province, and the remaining are licensed by the provincial health department.
The breadth of the slaughter industry in Saskatchewan is unparalleled in Canada and literally covers the whole province. The operations are spread out over hundreds of miles, and the volumes of cattle they slaughter are small in comparison to the main processors.
In some respects, solving the challenges placed on our smaller processors as a result of the federal regulations are more daunting. For those of you who are very familiar with this file, volume is a significant factor in minimizing costs of disposal. The frank reality is that other than in a few clusters in Saskatchewan, we don't have the volumes of slaughter waste materials to keep costs minimal.
Yes, the processors are relatively small and somewhat insignificant in the national picture, but as members of the committee can appreciate, those small processors are just as important to their rural community as a large processor is to its community.
I want to spend a couple of minutes discussing the development of the federal regulation. Saskatchewan has been actively involved in trying to craft this regulation, and we agree that the science behind the regulation is solid.
It is in the best interests of the industry to eradicate BSE as quickly as is practicable.
As some of you may be aware, throughout the federal–provincial consultation process, Saskatchewan raised concerns regarding the economics of the regulation. The new rules will add costs to slaughter in Canada. They are new costs, and they are permanent. They are also unique to Canada in the North American market. Processors in the U.S. will not be subject to these higher costs—at least not yet—and that will impact the economics of cattle slaughter in Canada.
We support a policy of harmonization with the U.S. feed ban. They will argue that they have a lower risk for BSE, but we believe the global marketplace has and will continue to treat our nations the same.
We can't lose sight of the fact that the U.S. is and will remain our largest and most important export market for beef and cattle. A policy of harmonization with the U.S. would have helped to keep our slaughter industry competitive. Now we are faced with the reality that perhaps more animals may be shipped south for slaughter.
Another issue of concern to Saskatchewan is federal funding and the process used to allocate federal funds to provinces. In the federal 2005 budget, it was announced that $80 million in federal funding was set aside to help the industry adjust to the enhanced feed ban. Several months later, provinces were informed that there would be a requirement to cost-share 40% on top of that, and we were informed that we would need to be a financial partner to help alleviate the costs created by that regulation.
In addition, the allocation of the $80 million is an issue with our industry and with the Government of Saskatchewan. In Saskatchewan's original proposal for SRM funding, which was submitted and accepted in November 2005, we proposed a formula to allocate funds. The formula we proposed was based on a weighting of the slaughter capacity of the various jurisdictions and the size of the relative cattle herds. It would have been a fair and transparent process to allocate federal funds.
The proposed formula was not put forward for discussion, and Canada used instead an allocation process that has not been fully disclosed to the provinces or the stakeholders. We have asked for clarification on how the money was allocated but have not received that. We have only been shown the final results for the jurisdictions.
We have significant concerns as well about how the feed ban is developing across Canada. We had called for a national program, with national rules and national criteria for eligible expenses and program funds. In this manner, all stakeholders, regardless of where they are located, would have access to similar levels of government support with identical parameters. Processors in Saskatchewan would then be confident that eligible expenses and the level of support would be equitable across all jurisdictions.
Instead we are developing a system of ten different agreements, with potentially different eligibility parameters and different funding support levels. I am encouraged today to hear that we will all have access to the same rules at the end of the day.
To conclude, I am confident that Saskatchewan is in good shape with respect to our ability to be compliant on July 12, 2007. There are still gaps, but we are working with industry and stakeholders to bridge them. As you now understand, Saskatchewan has raised issues with the federal–provincial program funding that is part of this process. As it has evolved, we now will have a very fragmented system of the programs across Canada that will be more difficult to explain to stakeholders.
That said, we recognize the importance of supporting our livestock and processing industries to address the increased costs of complying with this federal regulation. It's important to remember that this is not an issue of food safety or quality. It's an animal health measure that will place restrictions on feed, not the food produced by the processors.
Because of the federal regulation, additional handling and segregation of cattle slaughter waste and dead cattle are now necessary components of livestock production processing in Canada. As we continue efforts to expand the livestock industry in Saskatchewan, it's important that all elements of the value chain continue to function properly, from the producer right through slaughter, processing, and waste disposal. The investments we will make with this funding will help our industry to remain competitive.
Thank you for the opportunity to be here today and to clarify our readiness and the readiness of the Saskatchewan industry to meet the regulatory requirements on July 12, 2007.