We've got a number of programs in Manitoba to support the small plants. In our province, we only have the one federally inspected facility. The rest of them are small provincial plants, and we're very, very keen on keeping those folks in business as much as we can.
SRM issues aside, we have programs in place to assist with the purchase of equipment, with the purchase and development of more cooler space, and those sorts of things.
We endeavour, where possible, to provide assistance to plants that may want to move from a provincially inspected level to the federal level. Granted, very few are doing that, but we have programs in place to assist them when that does happen. A number of those elements are in place.
The other thing I would comment on--and it goes back to a number of issues that were raised awhile back--is that the cost to producers and the cost to the small abattoirs is, indeed, significant.
But in our province in particular, when we lost our rendering capacity in 2003, most of our small abattoirs at that point introduced what they referred to as an environmental levy. For every animal that was slaughtered, there was a price tag attached to it. It varied a bit from plant to plant, but on average it would be $50 or $60 per head. That levy was put in place to defray the costs of having to dispose of a product that had been worth something prior to that period at the end of May of 2003 and now was a cost item.
That's a long answer to your question, but we have a number of programs in place, and it's abundantly important to us to make sure those 24 plants stay in existence.