I'll just make an opening statement and certainly allow others around the table in the provincial jurisdictions who have provincial abattoirs outside a federal establishment registration....
Certainly. from a federal perspective, one of the initiatives that we continue to invest a lot of time in at the federal-provincial-territorial level is a commitment to meet inspection reform in this country, to try to move us to standards that are not necessarily multi-tiered between federal standards--which have access to interprovincial movement and offshore--and what exists within the provincial jurisdictions for local opportunity.
There is a task force working at the federal-provincial-territorial agricultural level on a meat inspection and forum redesign, a major policy initiative that will bring standards into effect that some may say are less prescriptive than what they have been at the federal level, to take out of standards those issues that had nothing to do with food safety, and focus on the food safety outcome--which is really our mandate in terms of those aspects--and still meet our international commitments with other countries to provide that market access. But it very well—