In terms of the agreement itself, it is simply, in my view, a matter of going through the steps for approval in our two governments, submitting the document, and having the decisions taken.
I am not aware of anything outstanding in the document that needs to be changed, except that it has to be finalized and sent up for approvals.
In terms of what has been successful in having our plan ready to go, we've had strong cooperation with the regional CFIA and Agriculture Canada offices in developing our strategy. We've engaged in extensive consultation with industry about what their investment requirements are. We've looked at it from a systems point of view in terms of how we address the total SRM in the province and by trying to address system approaches. And we have been very specific in identifying resources for elements of that system, as opposed to having one pot for everything.
Those I think are some of the attributes that have made us successful, or that will, we hope, make us successful.