Thank you for the question and the comment.
Certainly we understand the urgency on the part of industry to have clarity on the expectations and the funding provisions. That's one reason we need to get out an announcement as early as possible, to give some time.
Certainly there is a cost share to the capital facilities, but right now we're not addressing the operating facilities. Everything Dr. Evans says is correct about the general advantage to the industry. That can be small solace to the individual producer or individual plant faced with those additional expenditures.
We do have some issues, in terms of the cost impact, as my colleagues from other provinces have said. At least in some of our provincial facilities, we are trying to offset some of that by addressing some of the tipping and transportation fees and some of the other fees that are associated. However, generally, there is, and should be, a concern about the cost impact. That being said, the advantages of moving ahead are obvious.