Take a look. On February 14 in Red Deer, Canada, malt prices were $150 a tonne. Across the border in the U.S. at the golden triangle they were getting paid $205 a tonne. Our feed in Red Deer was $152 a tonne. Their feed in Montana was $174 a tonne. Those are comparable prices.
I also want to talk about a few other comparisons that a couple of people have done. Brian Otto lives in Warner, Alberta, so he has a chance to check prices on both sides of the border. He's been very careful in the work he's done. I would just like to read a couple of the examples he's given.
He talked about Richard Gray's study and said:
I don't know what sales figures Mr. Gray was using to substantiate his claim, but the premiums he talks about have not reached my farm. Barley prices freight-on-board in Shelby, Montana, in January of 2007 were $7.50 a hundredweight. This equates to $3.60 a bushel American or $4.25 a bushel Canadian net to the producer.
The malt price according to the Wheat Board's PRO is $205 a tonne, which, after deducting freight and handling, equates to $3.37 a bushel. If the Wheat Board sells for premium, why is my malt barley selling for 88¢ less in our system?
I think that's a fair question. He wants some freedom to market his own grain.
He's also done a comparison of some other wheats. He said:
I did a comparison between the price of spring wheat at 13.5 in the Canadian Wheat Board monopoly and spring wheat with a protein of 14 in the U.S., which are comparable. I used the October 19, 2006, Minneapolis December futures quote of $211 for my comparison.
The cash price at Shelby, Montana, on this date for 14% protein spring wheat was $4.75 per bushel in U.S. funds, which equates to $5.32 Canadian. I used the Canadian Wheat Board fixed price contract for October 19 for my comparison to get a cash price. The Wheat Board quoted hard red spring wheat fixed price off the Minneapolis future of $211.94 plus basis of $12.48 per tonne minus a $5 per tonne adjustment factor, which was $219.42 basis Vancouver.
When I elevator, I use subcontracts. It's deductions for freight, handling, and cleaning of $45 a tonne. My net price--