I think you're asking about production insurance and whether we think we're making some progress. I certainly mentioned production insurance earlier when I spoke. I indicated that it's probably one of our greatest sources of frustration.
We want to see a good, viable production insurance program. A tremendous amount of work went on over the past year. We had the opportunity to have some input in that, and we appreciate it, but we're not there yet. We have discussed some ideas as to how production insurance could work, but we have not come up with the ideal solution.
There are some ideas being talked about as far as a mortality-type program is concerned. We've talked a lot about how that would work. We would not want to name specific diseases. In our industry, often diseases come along that you don't.... We get a new disease every 10 years or so, like this circovirus. We wouldn't have named that a few years ago. It wasn't even on the radar.
In answer to your question, we probably have not made as much headway as we would like. The government has commissioned a study by an accounting firm, Meyers Norris Penny. At this point, we have spent a lot of time trying to decide how many of the principles we would need in that program. This accounting firm is supposed to suggest some options for dealing with some of the gaps they have identified. I think once we get that, we'll really want to see a lot more of a concerted effort put into developing the production insurance program.
I guess the answer to your question is, no, we don't think we've made as much headway as we would like.