Mr. Schlegel, last November, we heard from the Fédération des producteurs de porcs du Québec. At the time, we were examining the crisis in the pork industry. In its brief, which I have recovered and which is very interesting, the Federation talks about the advisory committee that looked into income protection. It talks about that program, and says that a definition of the term “insurable disease” used in the report of that advisory committee is not adapted to the hog sector. It states:
This proposal specifies that losses resulting from diseases which the insured knew were present before the contract took effect are not covered.
Once again, consultations are being conducted on certain programs without coming to an acceptable solution for all sectors.
Have you had any news of this study since then? Has that advisory committee made progress? Have you had any news of about what is going on? Do you know whether it has corrected certain deficiencies?