I think we would concur with Travis. We're concerned about the regulatory burden, about an on-level playing field in Canada compared to the rest of the world, costs that our industries are facing, including our processing industry, that our competitors are not.
All of agriculture is facing the same dilemma as manufacturing responding to competitiveness issues in the face of currency change. So now we're trying to adjust, and the people who work for us are not interested in a wage rollback of 30%. That's the dilemma we're facing on both the beef and the pork side. We need to find solutions to that, and part of that is having government help us out in regulatory areas.
We have to have similar input pricing, specifically in the area of vaccines and drugs. There are groups working at that now, because we are operating in an integrated marketplace. You're probably aware, for instance, that there are 130,000 tonnes of pork that came north this past year. We're only sending 380,000 tonnes south. Just about 10 or 15 years ago, that ratio was about 12 or 13 to 1. So you can see the dynamic is changing and that product is moving north and south; it's going east and west. In that kind of environment, in an integrated marketplace, you need to have an open market, where all prices adjust to capitalistic signals.