From the point of view of the pork council, we went on record as being very sympathetic to the plight of the grain producers. At that time many of them were losing their farms as a result of currency changes and programs in the U.S., and it was a real issue. At that time we said we would support some kind of support program for grains because there was a real need there. We look at it with a bit of trepidation, because, as you know, we're extremely paranoid about any kind of action that would make us countervailable. If there were a program specific to grain that was deemed to be a pass-through and a subsidy to pork, we could be affected.
So our position is that there certainly is a risk. Whether we can say we absolutely want zero risk...I'm not sure how far we can go. Whatever we do, we have to be very careful and have the trade people involved to make sure it's not deemed as a pass-through subsidy to livestock.