Thank you very much.
Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman, members of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food, and fellow guests. Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you on business risk management.
My name, as stated, is Ross Ravelli. I'm the president of the Grain Growers of Canada. I'm a third-generation grains and oilseeds producer in Dawson Creek, British Columbia. Sitting with me today is Richard Phillips, our executive director, based in Ottawa.
The Grain Growers of Canada is an umbrella organization representing many of Canada's grains and oilseeds producers on national policy issues. My farming colleagues from across Canada may differ in terms of the size of their farms, the variety of crops grown, and farming practices in general, but we all face many common challenges. Two of these challenges have been, first, several years of declining income due to international subsidies, which lowers the price for crops, and secondly, rising input costs. Low prices and high costs translate into, at best, very thin margins.
I think everyone at this table would agree that farming is a business and it needs to be treated like a business. As growers, we need to have the variety of risk management tools available to us. We do have some of the necessary tools; however, there are still some elements of risk that are out of our control. We face production risks such as weather, disease, and pests. These types of risk are partially covered off through our current crop insurance programs, which have been good programs, but it seems there is a trend toward higher premiums and lower coverage levels, and that issue has to be looked at.
Farmers have adapted to the weather risks by growing shorter-season crops and crops with drought and disease resistance more suitable to their regions. We quickly innovate with new farming techniques such as minimum and zero tillage.
We also face significant price risks. Commodity prices, especially in the grains and oilseeds sector, are negatively affected by foreign government policies on market access and subsidies. These foreign government actions are a risk that we as farmers cannot manage on our own.
When facing these foreign subsidies, where possible, we have switched to crops where the market is more rational and functional, in the hopes of increasing market revenue. For example, we have seen significant increases in both canola and special crop acreage over the last few years.
Farmers are the first line of defence in addressing all these problems, and we must do our best to adapt to whatever the weather and distorted markets throw our way.
Given the importance and significance of agriculture to this country, farmers have not faced these challenges alone. Over time the agricultural value chain--governments, farmers, and private industry--have worked together to try to mitigate some of these risks, and with varying degrees of success.
The reality for many of us is that the private sector has led the way on research, innovation, and development of new varieties of crops, value-adding, crop protection products, and marketing tools. Herbicide-resistant crops, forward pricing contracts on both crops and cropping inputs, development of reduced tillage equipment are but a few of the positive contributions the private sector has provided to us. This creativity and innovation are key to our future success.
Governments have played an important role and have had many successes as well. The production insurance, which I mentioned earlier, and the cash advance program, which I'm sure you're all aware of, are two good examples.
The recently announced renewable fuels strategy, along with other key components just announced in the 2007 budget, will not make us world leaders on this front, but they will ensure we have a Canadian renewable fuels industry.
However, we have had a number of government programs with mixed results. I'm sure you're all aware of CAIS, NISA, GRIP, and the Western Grain Stabilization Act, to name a few.
It is critical that farmers, through their farm organizations, are involved as early as possible in designing new programs. Despite the recent APF-2 consultations, the Grain Growers of Canada still feel there is an urgent need for a more focused look at the needs of the grains and oilseeds sector.
The Grain Growers of Canada have forwarded this idea to Minister Strahl, and as yet we have had no firm commitment to engage in this process. I hope this committee will see the need and validity of this approach and give us your support in this initiative.
At this time, the Grain Growers of Canada would like to thank the government for the recent announcement of nearly $1 billion to assist Canadian farmers. The $600 million in federal funding to start new producers' savings accounts is good news. We know from past experience that NISA was a popular program and well understood; however, we must work on providing farmers with the needed program flexibility to access and use this fund as they see best in their operations, and then live with their decisions.
The $400 million payment to help with rising production costs announced last week, and the future commitment of $100 million over each of the next five years are certainly welcome.
I would now like to share some of the business risk management design features and principles that the Grain Growers of Canada would like to see incorporated in any new program.
A program must be production neutral and not mask market signals. Producers should be able to make their own decisions about what is best for their farms based on agronomics, market signals, and risk management tools available to them, whether those tools are available from government or private industry.
A program must be predictable and bankable. Without a doubt, the biggest criticism of CAIS has been the inability of producers to know with any certainty whether or not the program is going to trigger, and if it does, when they will get the money.
We recognize that provincial governments will always need regional programs. However, we feel it's very important that federal dollars are used in a way that ensures equitable treatment of farmers across commodities and across the country. It is important that federal programs are designed to be national in scope and in a manner that minimizes the risk of countervail. Our growers rely heavily on export markets, and they will bear the cost of any retaliatory trade measures by foreign countries.
We support the margin-based principle. However, program design must be more flexible to take into account the issue of commodities with long-term declining margins due to negative effects on prices because of the actions of foreign governments.
Any business risk management program should have positive linkages that encourage participation in other programs, as opposed to negative linkages that reduce the flexibility of farmers to properly manage their individual risks.
Beyond its role in providing sound business risk management programs, there are a number of other key responsibilities for the federal government.
Rather than simply letting farmers rely on government support through its programming, the government must also actively work to reduce our need for that programming. As farmers, we want to earn our living as much as possible from the marketplace, not from the government. The government does not owe us a living, but it does owe us a policy environment that gives us the opportunity to succeed.
Therefore, we call on the government to first actively negotiate at the WTO, and through bilaterals where necessary, to ensure that Canadian grains and oilseed producers and processors have access to markets that are not inhibited by subsidies, tariffs, or non-tariff barriers.
Second, move ahead with the smart regulations initiative to not only reduce the burden of regulation in our industry but also speed up the timelines in which Canadian farmers can access new and innovative products.
Third, provide the necessary incentives for research and investment in agriculture. This is critical to ensure our growers continue to be competitive in an international market for the long term.
Fourth, our government must show leadership in dealing with our transportation problems in western Canada.
Finally, decisions affecting the new varieties we grow and crop production products we need to produce them must continue to be based on sound science. Wherever possible, we need to work at harmonizing our rules with our major customers and competitors. Any other process will lead to both lengthy delays and lack of access to new technologies, which cost the farmers money. Again, this leads to more cost to the government in business risk management.
In summary, we have presented you with our thoughts on both business risk management tools that we feel are needed for the grains and oilseeds sector, but also some concrete steps this government could take to minimize the need for farmers to rely on those tools and ultimately reduce the costs to Canadian taxpayers. Yes, we need appropriate risk management tools, but we need to reduce and manage that risk as well. The fact is that the best risk management programs are the ones farmers can manage effectively on their individual farms.
Thank you. I look forward to both your questions and your comments.