Yes, I agree with the last statement. Also, you have to remember, farmers have been trying to work with the government for a number of years. Previous governments have been trying to fix WTO for our industry for the last 15 years, and they're still working at that. Meanwhile, the U.S. and the EU still subsidize their farmers heavily.
Now we have the new APF pillars and the bioeconomy, both of which the soybean industry agrees are excellent initiatives, but we need that transition. We need to keep our farmers viable from now till these things come to fruition. Bioeconomy is only maybe a short-term fix, maybe a long-term fix. The other initiatives, the innovation, etc., under the APF will take a number of years to get to. There's nothing that will help us today that you can bring to your announcement. We need flexible programs to keep us viable till something works for our industry.