On business risk management, yes, as far as the debt load is concerned, you're quite right.
We had the agricultural attaché from the U.S. embassy speak at our annual meeting. You've already heard someone say that we've come out of the worst four years in farm income in our history. The U.S. farmers are coming out of the best three years of farm income in their history. That's not all about the amount of money their government spends. It's also about whether they spend it strategically. That's why I think all of us talked about our having to be more strategic with the way we spend money. But they also have record low farm debt in the U.S., together with coming out of the best three years of farm income.
As far as cross-subsidization on the farm goes, Mr. Easter, the contributory top tier addresses that somewhat, in that farmers will be able to attract government money based on an ENS contribution. If you just go into the top tier, you won't have that same whole farm effect that you have if you have the CAIS program right to the top.
Companion programs are also meant to, on a regional- or provincial-specific basis, look at some of the ways of how you can deal with that and be a little more targeted and a little more commodity-specific with those programs as well.