Thank you for that question.
I'll make three quick points that I think build on each other. In terms of production and supply and the often cited overproduction, if it ever was a reality, it is less and less so. In six of the last seven years, the world consumed more grain than farmers produced. That's not being reflected back to the farm level.
Having said that, I think there's a bit of truth at the core of your point, because farmers need to match production to demand, and if the markets are signalling through low prices that they think there's sufficient supply or too much, we maybe need to back off some of that production, and supply management does that very well. The United States does that by idling land, and we've advanced the program here in Canada, that we need to call the bluff of some of these corporations and maybe take some land out of production and managed supply.
The third point is the last point. You were wondering how we create programs that match market reality. I think what you've heard from every speaker here today is that profits are allocated on the basis of market power. Who has market power in that agrifood chain? That determines where the profits land and who gets to hang onto those profits and who gets the profits taken away. The farm income crisis is caused by an imbalance of market power within that agrifood chain. We are using taxpayers' money to backfill that right now, but if you're serious about doing something new in business risk management, do what everybody at this table has said: deal with market power; give us more market power.