When you take a look at how the CAIS program, which you referred to, has been implemented, you will note the following: in Quebec, the producers that have been penalized the most are those that grow grain or who have mixed crops, as a gentleman mentioned earlier.
Grain producers found themselves facing low prices. You may be able to cover fluctuating profit margins, but over the past few years, we have been in a situation where the margin is very low. There is scarcely any more fluctuation. The only thing that has changed is that the producer is falling behind because of negative farm income. That cannot continue like that.
On the other hand, we have the other producers growing mixed crops where one crop would compensate for the other. So there were no big fluctuations in profit margins, except that in the long run, this type of operation gradually grew poorer. In Quebec, it was felt that this type of operation had the best structure because it ensured that as much money as possible would remain in the operation. When you produce grains and feed cattle, you are already a primary processor with respect to grain production. You are processing the grain into meat or milk and, with what is left over, you are manufacturing fertilizer that can be reused on the farm. This process ensures that the operation keeps most of the money for itself and does not have to spend it on other things. This type of operation should, under normal conditions, produce more income at the farm level. And in cases where the CAIS program is required, or where there are price differentials, meaning that, in one year, one crop can fetch a lower price but is compensated by another crop, what happens is that, year after year, there is a general decrease in the profit margin of the operation, but not enough to warrant implementing a program. This type of operation gradually grows poorer and declines. Grain producers are really in a tough situation. We came here to Ottawa calling for ad hoc programs that would compensate for the effect of the Farm Bill, which was already in force when the CAIS began.