I would just build on what the two previous speakers have said, actually, especially in reference to the cross-subsidization.
I've been critical of these independent and ad hoc government programs because lots of times it seems that the government would like to tie farmers to the mailbox at election time. It could be just coincidence, but that's the way some of these things get rolled out. That's not what farmers need to keep in business. That's not going to give farmers the ability to plan into the future.
What farmers really need, which ends that discussion about how we get around the cross-subsidization on the farm, is increased market power so that farmers are allowed to make their money from the marketplace, earn a living from the marketplace. There was, in fact, a report published just a couple of years ago, which I know you're quite familiar with, called Empowering Canadian Farmers in the Marketplace, which started to go down that road. It talked about changing competition policy, for instance. So there is some competition amongst the input suppliers and the retailers and the handlers and the other people whom farmers deal with.
What we've really set up here in this country right now is a double standard: one standard for industry and one standard for farmers. So on the industry side, we have a legislated marketing tool called patent protection so that those industries can get their money back from the marketplace. Look at who is the most profitable. Drug companies, machinery companies, and seed companies are doing very well. They have to stay in business. But on the other side, the legislated marketing tools that are exactly parallel to patent protection, things like supply management and the Canadian Wheat Board, are being destroyed. Farmers are being told, “No, you can't have this legislated marketing protection because we don't feel it's appropriate.” So we've got a double standard, which is working against farmers.