We're going to call this meeting to order. We continue with our study on the business risk management programs.
I want to welcome to the table today Bob Friesen of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture; from the Union des producteurs agricoles, Denis Bilodeau and Gilbert Lavoie; and from the National Farmers Union, Stewart Wells and Darrin Qualman.
Welcome, everyone. I appreciate your taking time out of your busy schedules to come here to give us your wish list in business risk management as we kick off our study on the agricultural policy framework, which we will be conducting over the next month.
We're going to hold you all to ten minutes so that we have a chance for discussion. This is going to be a one-hour round, and then we're going to finish off at 4:30 to 5:30 with the Canadian Association of Agri-Retailers and the Canadian Bankers Association to talk about how farm policy impacts their industries.
With that, I open it up to you, Mr. Friesen.