Thank you, Mr. Chairman. And, gentlemen, thanks very much for coming today.
I have a number of issues. A couple of them have been touched on that I want to talk more about.
One thing I always ask a lot of the farm groups about when I go to visit them in my riding is that it has been my feeling as a farmer and as a politician for a long time that the old “conquer and divide” in the agriculture sector and in farm organizations is alive and well.
What I mean by that is, although we have so many voices out there, I wonder whether we are really being heard. I would like to hear your comments. In Ontario, there are three main farm groups. There's a chapter of the Farmers Union, the OFA—the provincial branch of your organization, Bob—and the Christian Farmers Federation.
I really, honestly believe that they are not doing their members the justice they maybe could be doing if they were all of one voice. I would like to hear a few comments—briefly, if you could, because I have a couple of further questions.