In terms of research, the Canadian apple industry just had a national priority-setting research workshop with players from Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and B.C. The very thing I talked about, in terms of the breeding program, was one of the top five research priorities that came out of that.
We are struggling with that very thing. We are struggling with Agriculture Canada maintaining a focus on primary production and research issues, things such as integrated pest management, working on diseases, insects, those types of things, the primary production research, because a lot of the focuses now are going to things like nutraceuticals, food safety, and biotechnology. Quite frankly, biotechnology in our industry scares the heck out of us. We don't want to be planting a bioengineered tree in our orchards just yet, because of the backlashes that could occur.
So some of these AFC focuses are positive. They're going to create new opportunities, such as value-added product development and what not. At the same time, we need to reserve a huge chunk of resources and attract new scientists on a continual basis who will come and do the work for primary production and research. That is really key.