Those two, okay.
On crop insurance as a mandatory feature, we talked in my presentation about having flexibility on every farm. When I sit down in the spring, I have my crop insurance options before me. They have three prices and three price levels, and every one has a different level of premium. I have to sit down and look at my farm and weigh these three options, which are really nine options. It makes it confusing to find out which works best for my farm. Right next door, Linda can be somewhere else in Saskatchewan looking at the same types of figures and saying, “Well, that doesn't quite work. My risk isn't as high.” Maybe on her farm she is spread out further over the country and she doesn't have the risk for hail or the drought risk that normally you have.
So to make it mandatory, would you set the level or would you just say that you have to have it at some minimum? If you say some minimum, in my scenario that I gave you, when the top is already 60% of what I grow, why would you want to make a minimum less than that?
I don't know how you can make a program mandatory that I don't think is as valuable as many people think it is. I think it takes options away from farmers. I'd hate to do that. And I'd hate to have that mandatory part of this business risk management basket say that you have to have this to get that. That takes away flexibility. I think you heard this morning from everyone that flexibility is what farmers have to have to make the best decisions.
In terms of the NISA top-up, I'd almost throw that question back. It's $300 million per year that's revenue-neutral to the government. It went from the NISA top-up to a smaller group. You've got $300 million, and now it's three times the people who have access to it. What was that top 15% supposed to do? Does it now meet the needs of the people who triggered it because you've just spread it over more people? I question that. I'm not sure. As a farmer who didn't trigger it, yes, all of a sudden I'll have access to more money. Does that make it a valuable program? I'm not sure. Was there a need for me to have it? That's the only question I would have. It does spread it out. I question it.
Also, the other question I have for you is that it is now an amber program. It was in the green program and now you've moved it into the amber program. Whether the international trade will do something with it, I don't know. I have a question on it.