Thank you, Mr. Steckle.
I would like to follow up on your talking about what the pillars should be. We've heard this morning a lot of talk around the business risk management side, but if you had to prioritize where government resources should be going, where our concentration and effort should be, based upon the hearings we're having and what came out of the APF consultations in round two, it's all about business risk management. So if you're going to prioritize the pillars, where would that emphasis be? Is it on research? Is it on food safety? Is it the environmental issues? Or is it just in the subsidies in the programs?
That's one question I'm left with, and as a farmer it's something I struggle with. I know in my cow-calf operation the biggest benefit to me has been through research. New animal breeding, the genetics, has created the best economic return. The biggest hurt, though, was BSE. So how do we deal with it? In my personal opinion, it's disaster assistance and heavy investment in research and innovation, but I turn it back to you for some ideas on where you prioritize the pillars.