I guess disaster and compensation and how to quantify that is the question. It should be quantified by dollars. That's probably the only fair way. That's the only way to realize that with a flood in the Fraser Valley—the last major one was in 1948—if it happens again this year, it will cover a small area of land and there will be unbelievably high dollars involved in agriculture and otherwise, as opposed to a flood in Manitoba, where the farms are widespread and of less value per acre. So I think it has to be quantified by dollars, and that has to be determined.
I know the nursery industry has done a lot to establish benchmarks for the CAIS program, on what the value is per acre, the value per plant, per square metre, and average roadways. We've tried to do a lot of work to establish what a nursery should look like on paper so that they have benchmarks to work from. I guess we just have to persist with that kind of work and get it all transparent.