My wife and I both used to work summer jobs as orchard workers, and we're passionate. We made that our life experience, our life choice of how to make a living. We're very passionate about what we do, and young people tend to be attracted to some sort of passion and enthusiasm. The Quebec kids particularly become our family; they're not just workers. They work really hard for us, and we're with them. I'm up at 4 o'clock every morning. I'm up before they are, and I go to bed after they do. They recognize that. We become this big happy family, and it's a good, happy feeling. Most growers don't take time, to be honest, because a lot of them are, quite frankly, preoccupied with other aspects of the business, and they maybe weren't cherry pickers when they were younger. They've joined the agriculture industry late in life or whatever.
But we've been full. We've had our crew since about the second week of February, because we do get the e-mails and the letters and the calls. We're fine as a farm for ourselves. However, our crew is now getting older, and we're concerned. We're not seeing the renewal. We're not seeing the 18-year-olds as we used to. The average age is now about 27 in our picking crew, which is a bit scarily high because it's hard work and they tend to, as my wife says, go get a life, get a real job. But these folks have locked into this, and they are working that lifestyle at this moment.