Thank you very much, Paul.
You raised a good point. The truth part of it is what the consumer should be entitled to. Why are they not entitled to have a label that is absolutely truthful? If it says it's a product of Canada, it in fact is a product of Canada; otherwise, it's deceitful. Why should multinationals drive that decision? Common sense tells you--and we argued this with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency--that if you have a product and suddenly there's a health problem or a sickness breaks out, guess who gets the blame? It's just not right.
If something can be done.... I acknowledge that it's tough. I've been in politics. It's not an easy thing to deal with, but for the consumers' common good, I hope this committee--your panel here--can put these arguments forward. Everybody here has some good points, and I'd really like to thank you for participating, because it's important for government as a whole, not just the cabinet. The general MPs throughout this country have to realize what's in the best interests of the public.
Through you, Mr. Chairman, if I may add to what Robert just said, farmers do not want to bear the loss of crop from bird damage, and there is lots of it. Why should the farmer bear that cost? If the public sees it as an environmental issue or whatever, fair enough, but don't ask the farmer to pay for it, please. It's not right.