I appreciate your concerns.
In the dairy industry, two issues are very current.
We should extend a thank you to the current government for their efforts to impose an Article 28, so that we can put tariff limits on the importations of milk protein concentrates. This was a TRQ that wasn't around when the WTO was first initiated, so we didn't have one.
Processors are importing it, and as dairy producers, we have to purchase back the Canadian portion of protein that is not currently being used in cheese or yogourt production.
The second part is the start of the implementation of standards for the production of cheese, such that a certain amount of milk production is required, so we know what goes into the cheese, into the food products we're making.
The importation of milk products and components do not improve the rural communities supported by our dairy industries. Imported MPCs are a detriment to our local communities. That's milk that I could produce, which would support the communities in our area. I'm a single farmer. My farm is operated and managed by my wife, and I employ 42 businesses in my community, which collectively support 300 employees. That's what the supply management does for the rural communities, with primary production as the basis.
Thank you.