On the specific question of disaster systems, we had originally proposed that CAIS would cover the negative margin up to 75%. Your question about whether the government should cover specific cases over individual causes gets into a huge bureaucratic problem. And then you get problems with delivering the program. Who's going to decide what an individual cause is and who's going to decide what a national cause is?
Those are considerations we discussed when we developed the first program: how you can make it simple for government to administer. The more complex it gets, the slower it gets, and the less money that actually gets to farmers.
That's why we had recommended a broad spectrum of coverage that is based on each individual's farm program. That way, if it is national, everybody has the same problem but it's covered on an individual basis. An individual case could be just as disastrous but would not be covered under a national program. That's why we maintain that we keep it an individual whole farm margin-based program where everyone gets the same coverage. It's not ad hoc: Is this a disaster? Is it local, regional, national? Those are the problems you get into.