Your last comment, Erik, got me thinking about the opportunity we can have in Canada for biofuels. For example, on our farm, the next step in what we have been looking at is biofuels. My father attended the Canadian conference, and he also went down to San Antonio to go to the international conference. He was just blown away by the Americans and by what they are doing in their process in this whole industry.
For us, starting to look into this, we've looked at applying for ACAAF funding and whatnot, but really it wasn't worth our time. When I was talking to other agriculture and food council members, there was a fellow that said it right on the button. He said the ones that are going to be having these plants won't be waiting on federal funding. They're just going to go out there and do it, because they'd rather have the investment interest to go ahead with it, and they'll make it happen. I can definitely agree with that, because on our farm, we just make things happen no matter what. We aren't reliant on the government for funding.
Where I think the government can play a greater role is on the regulation side of things, and in letting science and innovation play a big role in helping the research get done, and in providing that research to the public. If the research is done, that's all great and dandy, but I've heard that in some instances they weren't able to go ahead in the marketplace in Canada because of regulation restrictions, so they went down to the States. The States was able to capitalize on this new chemical or variety of seed or what have you.
As far as the young generation goes, with biodiesel, I would definitely return to the farm full-time if I were able to manage or have the opportunity to manage our own biodiesel plant. Of course, the effects of that would be to make the community viable because we would be supporting the commodity markets or the commodity, buying canola from our neighbours and having that by-product fed on the farm, and finding out what that seed value is. There are a lot of livestock-intensive feedlots around our place, so that would make us work.
I've heard a few comments about the one coming up in Innisfail and how this one fellow didn't think it was going to fly because there's no support such as there is in the livestock industry, where the by-products are going to go. The input cost in either drying it down or trucking it to the accessible markets is going to increase your input costs like crazy, and how can you compete with that?
The one comment I wanted to make on Erik's last comment was that tons of discussions go on about how we can go international. I think we should be looking at providing for ourselves and making a local market for it first, and then an interprovincial market for it and supporting that, and then maybe growing bigger and better. I think we need to take a step back, because for us, we would be looking at local markets, and that's where I think it really needs to start. I've given you a few different thoughts all over the place.
I guess you might think I'm French because I talk with my hands.