That's a very difficult problem. I think part of it is the issue we talked about, a transparency of leadership. With a lot of the programs and a lot of the policies, we don't know who's on first. We don't know who's in charge.
We have very clear mandates for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency when it comes to foreign animal disease incursions; that's their role. When we get to other diseases that aren't a named disease on the list, we don't know who's in charge. With foreign animal disease we have a very significant provincial participation in a program, and then it always seems to be that competition between the provincial and the federal jurisdiction.
I'm tending to agree with you. I think a lot of it is jurisdictional. I think that plan has to be a plan not only for where we want to go but for who's in charge of which areas; the leadership is partially what we need to define. I think it's going to take a lot of communication to do that. A lot of people are going to have to compromise their own authority and be willing to give it up to a higher authority when we need to get to a common outcome, whether that's between industries or between governments.
Again, one of the challenges of our coalition is to make sure we have industries talking to each other so that we have that common goal.