The commitment of the government in developing the biofuel strategy is definite. That's why we have already started with the consultation. We're working very closely with the stakeholders, with the producer groups, in developing the approach. The underlying commitment is to make sure that producers benefit from the biofuel strategy.
We're going to be looking at types of initiatives. We've been receiving a lot of input from the sector already on different methods and ways producers want to participate, not only in providing the raw input as you mentioned, but also in benefiting at the output stage of the fuel, either through new generation co-ops or other mechanisms.
We've obviously also been working with the provinces very closely, because they have a stake in this. They are also quite keen in helping meet the commitment of developing the biofuel sector.
As we're proceeding in June, the Minister of Agriculture will be holding consultations with a number of producer groups in seeking input from them on specific initiatives that they want to see undertaken in support of a biofuel strategy.
So this is one that we're developing in partnership with the producers to make sure at the end of the day that they fully benefit from the results of the strategy.