That's a fair question, because farmers often ask why they should have to do it too.
I'm involved with a lot of people in the processing industry, value-adding everything, from those who add value on their farms to those whose bakeries export worldwide. Some of the handicaps, in their own words, would be some of the regulatory problems around the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, the lack of enabling policy on some of the exports, and perhaps a lack of a continuous presence in the designated export markets.
Most certainly in the west right now, two of the key problems are the appreciation of the Canadian dollar and the very severe lack of labour. We are seeing a lot of relocation just because they can access labour in the United States.
I'll give you an example that a friend gave me the other day, and that was a roller mill for his bakery. Some 40,000 loaves a day come out of that bakery. The roller mill in Canada was $40,000 and they said it would take nine months to come in. The roller mill in the U.S. was $9,000 and it was there the next day.
So that's a little bit of the why, Myron.
You also asked about how we get farmers engaged when 61% of them or more are sole proprietorships. We see a lot of this new-gen co-op type of discussion and so on. The reality is that partnerships will form, but farmers will form those partnerships with other farmers, move their independent agendas ahead, and try to seek some of the technical expertise to move product into the value-added arena.