Myron, you make some excellent comments, and you basically asked about farming and the future.
Farming is not really a way of life anymore, it's a business. A farm had better be run like a business or you won't be around tomorrow.
Things are tough out there, and the changes are taking place quickly right now. People don't resist change; they resist being changed--you can change something as long as it doesn't change me. But right now, change is happening, and it's changing me and it's going to change you too. The future is going to be different, and we have to adjust to it.
Part of the problem in coming out with a program like the one you're talking about and trying to assist is that governments are always late. It takes ninety minutes for government to watch sixty minutes of television, so by the time you design a program and get it in place, the market has moved away from you. It has to be a living thing. It can't be a thing for which you say, okay, I think I've done it.