The benefit to the farmer, really quickly, with research.... We have good examples. We have winter wheat varieties sitting on the shelf in Lethbridge that will produce over 100 bushels an acre. They are not allowed, through KVD, because once out of three years it looks like a hard red spring wheat kernel. So it's scrapped. The winter wheat researchers have just thrown their hands up and essentially quit.
Regarding the ethanol industry, we cannot really sustain an ethanol industry, because we can't grow the bushels for it economically. We're growing a 70- or 80-bushel winter wheat crop when we need to be growing 100 to 120 bushels. If we talk about 40 bushels an acre at $4 a bushel, using today's prices, that's $160 an acre. You know, when the government spends billions of dollars, maybe you could give us back $8 or $10 an acre. That's where we talk about getting our returns from the marketplace.