I'll speak personally about my farm.
You want to talk about a deposit or a fee. I sent a deposit in for CAIS. That has cost our farm thousands. Our accounting bill in the last three years is approaching over $10,000, and I've not seen one cent from the program. That's how this program is working. It penalizes the proactive farmer who is trying to offset his risks with irrigation, different crops, trying to grow some specialty or even something value-added, and trying to keep his income stable. That really penalizes that farmer. If he just goes for the gusto and he makes lots of money, and the next year he loses lots of money, CAIS will really help you.
So it's something that's all over the board. If you talk to one farmer, they'll say it's the greatest thing, because they've seen big cheques. For the next farmer, it has cost a fortune.
So that's why, if we go to a NISA-style--and I'm not saying NISA--account, so there's not the paperwork, there's not the cost, the sales, the inventory, beginning, ending, and all the complication.... They take net eligible sales and you get a percentage of that, and the farmer can do with that as he chooses.