As I mentioned earlier, I think the government has a role to play in assisting developing industries such as ours. Certainly they've done that through some of the programs that are currently available, like the CAFI program and the other ruminant development program, but I think they can be of major assistance to us when it comes to some of the regulatory changes that we need, not only within Canada but also with some of our trading partners. Back when we did make that trip to Ottawa, we also raised an issue about a trade irritant that we currently have with the U.S. that prevents bison trim from going from this country into the U.S. To date, nothing has been done on that. We raised that issue back in February 2003. With BSE and the further trade disruptions, we realized nothing could be done, but certainly in that regard, assisting us in getting market access would be a definite benefit. But a lot of times we realize that as a small and developing industry, maybe we're not as important and don't fit as high up on the schedule as some of the other ones.