Those are interesting comments, and I agree with them. One of the problems coming from the province of Saskatchewan is that we're not the richest province out there, and a number of other provinces have the dollars to put into agriculture. We're not only competing within Canada; we're also competing with United States and European communities, which does create a problem.
It's an important role for the federal government to make sure the dollars that the feds put in there are equally funded across this province, and to make sure they don't discriminate against different regions or different commodities.
One of the things you have to look at is how to put those dollars out there in a way that makes it equal across this country. I suppose if it were under the federal department, it would work very well; all the taxpayers would pay equally out there.
I think it's very important that we have food security in Canada. You can look at the food industry, or the dog food industry, and what has happened with it; that would never have happened in Canada.
There are concerns out there. I have concerns about the producers out there when you talk about food safety. I have a number of relatives, and my kids are not on the farm. One boy is, but I have three other kids out there who are in a different part of the province. When I'm producing food, I'm producing it as safely as I can to make sure nothing is going to happen. On my farm—and I likely speak for 99% of the farms—I know we do the best we can to make sure food is safe for Canadians. I really have a concern when we talk about food safety. If we have to spend a lot of dollars just to present records—If somebody is not going to be safe, the records are not going to make any difference anyway. They're something like gun control, as far as I'm concerned.