As far as the issue of recognition of an industry like ours, the forage seed industry, is concerned, we have a couple of ways to look at that. One of them is that 35 or 40 years ago, farmers were being urged to diversify in western Canada. Our growers, particularly the alfalfa seed growers in Saskatchewan, who've been involved in this industry for over 35 years, have often joked that we were encouraged to diversity, we did, and we've been paying for it ever since, through exclusion from various programs. The one that still bothers a lot of guys, believe it or not, is the WGTA payout. Farmers have a long memory, and we've worked through the different programs, such as AIDA, CFIP, and CAIS, to let government departments know about our industry and about the special parts of our industry.
For instance, in alfalfa seed production, we have an entire alfalfa leaf-cutting bee side that has to be considered under CAIS in reference margins. What we find is that it's very hard. There doesn't seem to be a system in place federally to recognize and gather information on an industry like ours. There's no continuity among the officials involved with these programs. These are some of the problems we've been having.
I don't like to talk only about our industry, because I know every farm sector is under problems due to long-term price fluctuation and that type of thing, but for us, the recognition is key. We're not asking for programs as much as asking for equitable treatment with other crop groups.