I think one of the issues is it sounds good. If everybody went to 5%, we'd all be happy. The reality is that for almost every one of our export markets that we deliver, whether it's beef, pork, canola, every one of those countries are exporting today at exports much higher than 5% of their domestic consumption right now.
So you're actually allowing them to go backwards by saying, “Well, if it's 5% clean, if it's 5% for everybody, we're happy with that, and we'll face increased tariffs, increased border restrictions for our export markets today.” So although it sounds good, it simply isn't true.
Remember that for the kinds of products that we're producing and the kinds of costs that we're incurring in producing them, there may be 140 countries in this world that trade, but very few of them will trade at the values we require in our industry. So I think that's a simplistic thing.
My final comment would simply be this. You can't go to these countries and say, “Open up your borders and reduce your tariffs, but, by the way, not for these products.” We're either going to be a trader or we're not going to be a trader. That's what got us into this disaster we're in with the WTO today.