Fourteen hundred. Port Elgin still holds and reigns, I think, as the Canadian champion, and that's my riding. Anyhow, you and I are in the pumpkin business on a part-time basis.
Brian, you raised a number of issues, as well as you, Bob, and the others as well. But there are two issues I want to talk about. One is the issue of the crop insurance or production insurance, which is something the various groups that have met before us have universally endorsed as a positive program. I think we need to work from the positive side, work with programs that are working for us and see how we can improve them. But I see a shortfall, or at least the argument seems to be made that on the crop insurance side, because of the increased yields being incurred, because of research that has taken place, and the fact that sometimes in succeeding years using the insurance program our numbers come down, we fail to realize what we should realize for our crop insurance. So I think there's some work that could be done there.
Would you agree that the crop insurance program is a program we need to continue to work on improving?
The other part of the question there would be, is there sufficient research being done, particularly in canola? I know the argument has been made that corn gets the lion's share of the research dollars because of the yield increase that we've seen there. Is the same thing happening in canola? That's the first part of my question.
The latter part would be in regard to the model that has been put forward by Quebec and Ontario, in terms of being self-directed, where farmers would choose the value of the crop that they would see as a bottom line for a return on their cost of production. Would you see that as a model that might be worked on and improved upon?
I think, Brian, you may have spoken a little to that; I felt you were touching on that. Is that the model you were talking about, or is it something you would look at, where farmers take responsibility, whether there would be three parties involved—a tripartite investment: farmers; the province, in this case; and the federal government? I think it would be a concept that I would find very interesting.