I think anything we can do for confidence in the industry and confidence in the financial institutions to make investments in agriculture would be good, whether it's one jurisdiction overseeing the safety nets...and that sure would take a lot of complication out of the picture. It would put a bit more certainty, knowing where our industry was going. We have a lot of issues to solve.
That was my opening comment, that we had a program with no vision behind it, and we need that vision. We need that picture of where we're going. Then we can make all the adjustments along the way. It gets back to that other point I made about having all the pieces of the puzzle.
All too often we get tied up in the politics of agriculture, and we get a bit here, a bit there, and a bit there. All the bits in between that make it work don't happen, whether it's regulation, whether it's policy change, you name it. We're just always short of that one piece of the puzzle. Until we can make a determined effort to put all the pieces in place, change all the regulations, do whatever we need to do, we'll continue to flounder and we'll be here in the next 15 years saying exactly the same thing.