It's either because of the MP or going to small places where the heart of agriculture is. It may be a good thing, but anyway it's a credit to the industry here in Manitoba, and we appreciate your coming here.
I have a couple of things. I'd like Waldie Klassen to talk a little bit more on what government might be able to do in keeping young people in agriculture and attracting them to it--succession planning. You talked about one thing that has been done recently that I hope helps a little bit, and I'm sure there are other things we can do in increasing capital gains. There might be a little benefit there to parents wanting to pass over to agriculture.
Mr. Martin, you mentioned that your crop insurance is best. I in no way doubt that, because I don't know enough about how crop insurance works here in Manitoba. I know that Ontario's leaves a little bit to be desired where I farm. Yesterday Saskatchewan farmers as well indicated to us that Alberta's crop insurance was quite a bit better than theirs.
I'll turn it over to Waldie to comment on the first one, and maybe you could address the second one.