Some of the issues that have been brought up I find interesting.
You talked about succession planning and going to the next generation. I'd like to refer back to our last annual general meeting. If I looked across the crowd, there were not a lot of people with the same colour of hair as I have. I've been around the industry for a long time, and I've appreciated the industry very much. Succession planning is there, and as a board we've made every effort to make sure individual small farmers can stay in business and survive.
The success of the industry ultimately is whether it's profitable. We're not looking for government handouts. We're looking for an industry that is self-sustaining and self-supporting. We have options in Manitoba. We have young farmers who want to get into the business, and supply management allows that to happen. Young guys can get into the business, and young families can start in the business and be successful. The key to the whole thing is that it's profitable enough for them to be interested in that type of farming. Whether they diversify into other areas is up to them; they have the opportunity to do it.