Thank you.
I think we have to look at what the case would be if that money hadn't been expended. We have to start looking at this money not as a cost but as an investment in the industry.
Both you and David mentioned BRM, business risk management. And I think you mentioned, Lorne, that we have to be proactive in managing risk.
Supply management groups have said they believe the three pillars should be in the APF II. What about orderly marketing, and what about the Canadian Wheat Board? Should they be in it as well?
We had a good presentation yesterday, which talked about managing risk options through the Wheat Board. There are several of them, under their producer payment options, beyond pooling itself: fixed price contract, basis payment contract, early payment option contract, and daily price contract. So there are lots of options under the Wheat Board as long as it maintains single-desk selling. Should those options also be considered, or could the tool of orderly marketing also be considered as one of the APF II options for managing within organized marketing risk on the farms?