Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Good morning. Thank you for taking the time to hear our views on business risk management. My name is David Fuller and I am chairman of Chicken Farmers of Canada.
CFC is a national organization representing 2,800 chicken farmers from coast to coast. We have 14 board members. There's one from each province and four downstream stakeholders—two from the primary processing industry, one from the further processing industry, and one from the restaurant and fast food industry.
CFC's mandate is to set allocations for the industry, which means we provide an adequate supply of chicken for the Canadian market. This system of supply management ensures a stable income for farmers, which is rare in this area of farming. A stable income permits farmers to be proactive in their industry.
Farmers are now being asked to take more responsibility than ever before in delivering programs centred around the public good. As chicken farmers we are able, willing, and ready to deliver these programs in areas such as food safety, the environment, animal care, and biosecurity. Not only are we leaders in the development of some of these areas, but these areas allow us to produce a better quality product for our consumers.
What do chicken farmers need under business risk management? First, we need government recognition of our system and its independent pillars as an effective risk management in the next generation of the agricultural policy framework. This cannot be taken for granted.
Second, we need our government to negotiate in support of supply management at the WTO and not allow a parliamentary motion to dictate inactivity.
Third, we need our government to listen, support, and work with us as we mitigate the risk of industry, government, and the public at large by being a leader in implementing food safety, animal health, and animal care programs.
Supply management is dependent on the three pillars of producer pricing, import controls, and producer discipline. Producer pricing allows farmers to collectively negotiate fair returns for their birds. Import controls allow the industry to efficiently plan production to meet the Canadian demand by permitting imports to the level of access agreed to at the WTO. Production discipline allows for the balance of supply and demand, thereby promoting price and market stability.
The second pillar, import controls, is being eroded through the administration of the chicken TRQ, which is the access level for imports. Currently our TRQ level is 7.5%, but in reality it is now at 8.4% due to the federal government's decision on April 12 to allow 100% supplemental imports. This goes well beyond our access commitments.
In addition, one point that is not in our presentation is that since 2002, the Canadian poultry industry has implored the government to correct the 13% rule that allows products that contain up to 87% chicken to be imported into this country tariff-free. This seriously compromises the stability and predictability of the domestic supply by making imports unpredictable.
Our government is in support of supply management, yet it is allowing the erosion of our domestic market, despite years of efforts on CFC's part to put forward constructive solutions to address the various challenges in administering the tariff rate quota.
On the international front, our government says it is not negotiating on behalf of supply management because it has determined that the parliamentary motion in support of supply management has tied its hands. The motion in Parliament dictates a result that you, as members of Parliament, felt should be achieved through the WTO for our sectors. Not negotiating makes it impossible to achieve those results and thus impossible to support the motion that you all felt was necessary. Not negotiating is not supporting supply management.
Without supply management, not only will we not be our own source of business risk management or income stabilization, but our capacity to be a leader in other important areas of risk management will be compromised. Our regulatory environment gives us the infrastructure to deliver on food safety, animal health, and animal care programs.
In 1998, CFC developed our “Safe, Safer, Safest” on-farm food safety program. We were the first to achieve technical recognition for our program from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency in 2002 and the second to complete CFIA's system of recognition.
In seven provinces we have 100% of our farms audited and certified under the program. Nationally, we are 80% compliant and expect to be 100% compliant by the end of 2007.
Animal health is an extremely important aspect of risk management. This is why the farmed animal industries have been working together to develop a comprehensive animal health strategy that would be incorporated into the APF as its own pillar. This strategy moves away from the ad hoc program development and funding approach to a more comprehensive approach that more adequately manages risk and delivers the public good.
Following the avian influenza outbreak in 2004, the poultry industry embarked on a number of initiatives to prevent and control a future outbreak. We developed a pre-emptive call program in collaboration with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency as an effective disease prevention tool. Measures are now in place, at the first sign of any outbreak, to ensure that the spread of the disease is limited or prevented. They key means of managing the risk and ensuring prompt reaction by farmers is adequate government compensation for birds lost. This too, unfortunately, remains unresolved. Adequate compensation for farmers in a pre-emptive call situation is not covered under the Health of Animals Act.
The disaster framework will not trigger for one farmer or for a small group, even if it saves the government money by preventing a large disaster. Adequate compensation is an effective insurance policy for government finances. As an example, the 2004 avian influenza outbreak in British Columbia resulted in a $300 million total economic loss. The chicken industry acted quickly and put forward $3.2 million in loans to chicken farmers, which were to be paid back once farmers were compensated under the CAIS program. CAIS paid farmers only $100,000 in total. The industry sought recovery from the government of $4.5 million for cleaning and disinfecting costs.
CFC has taken other initiatives to prevent the introduction and spread of animal diseases.
Mr. Chairman, what I will do, since you have the presentation, is I will go directly to the end and bring in what we are really looking for.
First, Mr. Chairman, the government must recognize our supply management system and its three pillars as an effective risk management tool.
Second, our government must negotiate on our behalf at the WTO rather than defending inactivity through a parliamentary motion that was intended to support supply management.
Third, we want to continue to collaborate with the government on developing programs that mitigate the risk and deliver a public good.
I'll leave it at that, Mr. Chairman.